Syllabus 初伝正座之部 Shoden Seiza no Bu 前 Mae 右 Migi 左 Hidari 後 Ushiro 八重垣 Yaegaki 受流 Ukenagashi 介錯 Kaishaku 附込 Tsukekomi 月影 Tsukikage 追風 Oikaze 抜打 NukiuchiFirst Lesson Set Formal Seated Position Front Right Left Behind Walls Within Walls Flowing Parry Assistance Pursuit Shadow of the Moon Chasing the Wind Sudden Strike 中伝立膝之部 Chuden Tatehiza no Bu 横雲 Yokogumo 虎一足 Toraissoku 稲妻 Inazuma 浮雲 Ukigumo 颪 Oroshi 岩波 Iwanami 鱗返 Urokogaeshi 波返 Namigaeshi 瀧落 Takiotoshi 真向 MakkōMiddle Lesson Set Crouched Position Parting Clouds Tiger's Step Lightning Floating Clouds Mountain Storm Crashing Wave Flash Turn Receding Wave Cascading Waterfall Directly Facing奥伝立業之部 Okuden Tachiwaza no Bu 行連 Yukizure 連達 Tsuredachi 惣捲 Sou Makuri 惣留 Sou Dome 信夫 Shinobu 行違 Yukichigai 袖摺返 Sode Surigaeshi 門入 Moniri 壁添 Kabezoe 受流 UkenagashiSecret Lesson Set Standing Position Escorted Companions All Around Everything Stops In the Shadows Passing By Brushing Sleeves Through the Gate Against the Wall Flowing Parry奥伝居業之部 Okuden Iwaza no Bu 霞 Kasumi 脛囲 Sunegakoi 四方切 Shihōgiri 戸詰 Tozume 戸脇 Towaki 棚下 Tanashita 両詰 Ryōzume 虎走 TorabashiriSecret Lesson Set Ready Position Haze Shin Protection Four Directions Cutting Boxed in at the Door Beside the Door Under the Shelf Both Sides Tiger's Run奥伝暇乞 Okuden Itomagoi 暇乞其の一 Itomagoi Sono Ichi 暇乞其の二 Itomagoi Sono Ni 暇乞其の三 Itomagoi Sono SanSecret Lesson Set Farwell One Two Three 制定刀法 Seitei Toho 前切り Maegiri 前後切り Zengogiri 切り上げ Kiriage 四方切り Shihogiri 切っ先返し KissakigaeshiFederated Sword Techniques Front Cut Front and Back Cut Diagonal Cut Four Directions Cut Sword Tip Flip Nanahonme no Kata 出合 Deai 拳取 Kobushidori 絶妙剣 Zetsumyōken 独妙剣 Dokumyōken 鍔留 Tsubadome 請流 Ukenagashi 真方 MappōForm with Seven Parts First Meeting Grab the Fist Unbeatable Sword Miraculous Sword Sword Guards Meet Flowing Parry Face to Face詰合 Tsumeai 発早 Hassō 拳取 Kobushidori 岩波 Iwanami 八重垣 Yaegaki 鱗返 Urokogaeshi 位弛 Kurai Yurumi 燕返 Tsubame Gaeshi 眼関落 Ganseki Otoshi 水月刀 Suigetsutō 霞剣 Kasumi Ken 打ち込み UchikomiTight in Close Quick Departure Grab the Fist Crashing Wave Walls Within Walls Flash Turn Breaking Ranks Swallow Tail Dropping Stone Moon over Water Sword Mist Sword Apex Stop 番外之部 Bangai no Bu 速浪 Hayanami 雷電 Raiden 迅雷 Jinrai 前 Mae 荒波 Aranami 袈裟車 Kesaguruma 瀧 車 Takiguruma 竜巻 TatsumakiExtra Lesson Set Fast Wave Lightning Thunder Front Stormy Seas Collar Wheel Water Wheel Whirlwind